domingo, 30 de mayo de 2010

Tom Sawyer

1.What do you know about Mark Twain? I know that Mark Twain is the writter of the novel Tom Sawyer, is a very good writter.

2.Write a summary of each chapter. Add images/videos...


Tom was a boy that lived in the small village of St Petersburg with his Aunt Polly, because his mother was dead. In the evenings, Tom liked walking around the village. One evening he saw a stranger boy in front of him, he saw a person that he didn't know. The boy wanted to provok Tom and Tom pushed the boy and the boy pushed Tom, and they were frightened. Saturday morning was beautiful and sunny, but Tom must work. He must paint the fence. He saw his friend Ben, in the street. And Ben wanted to paint the fence. Tom's other frinds came back. First they laughed at him, but soon they all wanted to paint the fence. Ben gave Tom his apple, Billy Fisher gave Tom a kite and Johnny Miller brought him a dead rat. His other friends gave him a knife, a cat, a bottle, a key and other things. His friends painted the fence while Tom ate the apple.


The next day was Sunday and Tom wore his clean Sunday clothes. He went to school, but he wasn't a good student and never listened to the teacher. After school Tom and his family went to church. Tom put a dog on the floor. He had an interesting morning in the church, because when the reverend continued talking no one was listened to him. On Monday, Tom didn't go to the school, but this day Tom met his friend Huckleberry Finn in the street. Huckleberry was a boy with an old and dirty clothes, he lived in the streets and he didn't go to school. Huckleberry want to take a dead cat to the graveyard after midnight and Tom wanted to go with he. Tom arrived late at school and the teacher was very angry. He should sit with the girls, because the teacher said that. He met Becky Thatcher. That night Tom and Huck, with his dead cat, walked down the dark road and arrived in the graveyard. There were a lot of trees and a lot of graves, everything was dark and scary. They heard noises and they think that were ghosts.


In the graveyard Tom and Huck thought that the noises were ghosts! After, they saw three men. They were Injun Joe, Dr Robinson and Muff Potter. They were grave robbers and they want to rob a grave. Doctor Robinson wanted a dead body. When they finished their work, Injun Joe wanted more money but Doctor didn't pay more money to him. Dr Robinson hit Injun Joe. Robinson hit Muff on the head and Muff felt to the ground. Injun Joe took Muff's knife and killed Dr Robinson. Injun Joe putted the bloody knife into Muff's right hand. A few minutes passed and Muff moved a little and opened his eyes. He looked at the knife in his hand and saw dead Dr Robinson. He thought that he killed him. Tom and Huck didn't tell anyone this story because they saw everything and Injun Joe was dangerous. They were afraid of Injun Joe.


The next day everyone knew about poor Dr Robinson. The sheriff found Muff Potter's knife near the body of the doctor. He put Muff in St Petersburg's small jail. Tom and Huck saw that Injun Joe had killed the doctor, so Muff didn't kill him. They wanted to explained to the people but they were afraid. While Tom kept the terrible secret he was very unhappy. It was summer now and there was no more school. Tom and Joe Harper went to sit by the Mississippi River and they fished, talked and looked at the boats. One day Tom, Huck and Joe went to Jackson's Island. When they arrived, they made a fire and cooked some meat. The three boys were happy because they had a good day. The next morning they went swimming in the river, they fished, they cooked the fish on the fire and ate it. That night Tom went home but no one didn't saw him. He retourned to the island in the morning. Tom told Huck and Joe his story. He explained that Aunt Polly cried a lot and Joe's mother was very sad too. Everyone thought that the three boys were dead and there would be a funeral for the boys on Sunday at the church. In the church everyone were crying when there was a noise and everyone in the church turned around and looked. The three boys were right and that was a very happy day.


Muff Potter was in jail, and he was very happy when Tom and Huck visited him. In Muff Potter's trial were done a lot of questions to Tom, who explained all he knew, that was the truth. He became a hero. While the lawyer was making questions to Tom, Injun Joe jumped through a window and disappeared.


Tom and Huck went to a haunted house because they were looking for a treasure. They were very tried and hungry and then they heard some men voices downstairs. One of those was Injun Joe's voice. They saw a bag with a lot of silver coins between the two men. After that Injun Joe an
d his friend talked about hide the coins under the cross.


Becky was preparing her birthday, a picnic party near the river. She invited Tom but not Huck. During the party, they went to Mc Dougal's cave. Becky and Tom were lost in there and they hadn't food. While they were lost, Huck spied Joe behind a tree. When Injun Joe saw Huck, he want to kill him and Huck became run.


Tom and Huck went to the cave, because Becky's mother told them that the cave was cloused with a door. When they arrived, they broke the door and they saw that Injun Joe was dead. It was the funeral of Injun Joe and then, Tom and Huck retourned to the cave and they saw a room with a bed, bottles, candles and a treasure. They curried the treasure to Aunt Polly and they were rich because in the treasure there was a lot of money.

3.Write a description of the main characters.

Tom: Tom was a boy that lived in the small village of St Petersburg with his Aunt Polly, because his mother was dead. He went to school, but he wasn't a good student and never listened to the teacher. Aunt Polly: She was a very nice person Huckleberry: Huck was a boy with an old and dirty clothes, he lived in the streets and he didn't go to school. Becky Thatcher: She was a beautiful girl with a long blond hair and blue eyes. Injun Joe: He was a bad men and he didn't like the children. Dr Robinson: He was a very stingy men and he didn't like help to anyone. Muff Potter: He was a men with a big heart and he always said the true.

This novel is very nice!

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